We’ve officially launched our subscription box!

And it’s both exciting and terrifying.

We have all of the products for the Winter/Spring Box. We are waiting on a few more packaging materials. I’m still putting together the artwork. We’ve finalized the recipe after numerous test runs (some of those “test runs” might have just been an excuse to bake cookies).

Next week we’ll be doing the full product reveal on Instagram and a contest to win a full box. I am very excited about this. But in the meantime, I can show you this:


This is most (not all) of the Winter & Spring Box. If you like what you see, head over to our Subscription page and sign up!

Sometime in February, we’ll get together for our big Packing Day and get everything ready to be shipped out. Hopefully to some customers who aren’t my mom.

We also purchased an ad on Instagram last night. Our post announcing the subscriptions going live will appear as a sponsored post in some feeds.

If you made it all the way here from that sponsored post, I just want to say thank you! Thank you for stopping by and seeing what we’re about, even if you don’t sign up or purchase anything. We are so grateful just to have you browsing here. Feel free to send us a message and say hello.

I’m hoping we can eventually build a community around Willow Nook.

That’s all I have for now. More updates coming soon!



Winter & Spring 2022 Full Box Spoilers


Website, shop, spoilers and birds