Website, shop, spoilers and birds

I’ve been meaning to make my first real blog post for a while now. Unfortunately, every time I sit down to try and type, I get attacked by tiny dinosaurs.

The little mango with feathers is Maple, my 6 month old pineapple green cheek conure. I love her to bits, but she’s not the greatest assistant. This is my first time ever building a website. Maple decided she could streamline the process by removing unnecessary keys from my laptop. I guess I don’t really use the page down key, but it also wasn’t bothering me.

Thanks, Maple.

The website

SOOOO… The website is, for the most part, complete. I am tweaking small things here and there just about daily, and I have barely scratched the surface of learning how to write SEO. But I would say the basic design is set for now.

If you’re reading this and have any experience in web design, I would love some constructive criticism. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings.

By the way…what does everyone think of the pug? The cute little guy snuggled up in the blanket at the top of the Subscription page? The majority of the photos on here are from Squarespace’s free stock gallery. The pug was meant to be a placeholder until I could take a good photo of some of our products. But I’m kind of attached to him now. Let me know what you think.

The shop

The shop is up and running for real. There is not a whole lot in it yet, but if you were to place an order, I can promise that it will be on it’s way to you tomorrow. I have started listing items in the shop after I’ve placed the wholesale order but before I’ve received them. And then I leave the quantity at zero until they arrive. So if you see something you like that is “Out of stock,” that just means that it’s on it’s way and it will probably be in stock in a couple of days.

There is a section in the shop labeled “Box Brands”. This means that this brand will be featured in the upcoming Winter & Spring Box. The box might have the same item, a different item, or the same item in a different color, style, fragrance, etc. But which one?

That brings us to our next topic…


As we get closer to the box release, I will be posting spoilers here on the blog and on Instagram. As you may have guessed from the “Box Brands” tab in the shop, the box will feature an item from Potager Soap Company and from La’Hammam.

I have already shared the first spoiler on Instagram and I will also share it in a separate blog post. The second one is coming very, very soon.

But, to get to my point here, if a Box Brand item in the shop catches your eye and you don’t want to wait for spoilers but are concerned about accidentally buying it twice…just ask and I’ll be straight with you. Conversely, if you purchase an item in the shop and later find out that exact product is going to be in the box, let me know and I’ll do my best to make a substitution for you.

We are very easy going over here and we truly want you to have the best experience possible. I’m doing this because I love doing it. If you’re not having a good time, then neither am I.

Potager Soap Company

That’s about all I have for now. Keep checking back here for new shop products, spoilers and updates.

Oh, and we will be doing a contest on Instagram VERY soon. So if you’re not following @willownookbox, get on that!

Until next time!



We’ve officially launched our subscription box!


First blog post