Important Upcoming Changes

First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for your support and patronage. Willow Nook Box is coming up on its first birthday and so far it has been an exciting and surprising adventure. It’s also been a huge learning experience from the very beginning. There are some big changes coming for the Winter season.

New Website & Winter Box Renewals

I’m going to be moving the website to a different host. The one I have been using has been less than ideal for subscription products and prices are increasing substantially, so it’s time to find a new home for the site. This will take a little while, but I hope to have the new site up and running by the end of October. I will NOT be opening or renewing subscriptions for the Winter Box on the current platform. Once the new site is set up, I will send out instructions on how to sign up for Winter.

Seasonal Box Price Increase

So this is less fun news. Unfortunately, I have to raise the price of the box. For many reasons, $83.99 is simply not sustainable. When we first started this, neither of us had any experience in running a business, and honestly, we greatly underestimated many of the costs. For example, shipping the seasonal boxes costs about $13 on average per box. Unlike the big brands, we simply do not have the ability to offer a huge retail value in comparison to the box price. In addition to that, the unprecedented inflation we’ve all experienced over the past year has affected every aspect of this business. I want to continue to offer the same quality and value that we have from the beginning and I also want to be able to expand the amount of handmade products in each box. I do not want to have to hunt for cheaper products at the expense of quality.

Starting with the upcoming Winter Box, the price will increase to $104 per box and will include shipping. As a thank you to my current active subscribers, I’m offering a special rate of $99 per box going forward if you sign up for the Winter Box, plus an introductory $10 off discount for Winter. Prior to the Winter Box launch, an email will go out to my current subscribers with more information and a special link to sign up. As stated above, your subscription will not automatically renew this round, so if you wish to discontinue your subscription, you do not have to do anything. I completely understand if you choose not to continue after this increase, and if so, I want to again thank you for your support up to this point.

Holiday Box

Here’s a slightly more fun update: I’m putting together a special limited run Holiday Box this year and plan to ship in the first week of November. Details and spoilers will be coming soon, but keep an eye out, because I will only be offering 35 of them.

The End of the Willow Nook Partnership

The final announcement I need to make is that Indiana has decided to step away from Willow Nook Box. This business started out as a passion project and has been way more challenging and difficult than either of us could have anticipated. I am grateful for her contributions to what it has grown into. Going forward, it will just be me. Well, me and Maple, of course.

Live FAQ

I know this is a lot and I want to be completely transparent about all of the changes. At some point in the next week, I plan to do a live FAQ on Instagram. If you have any questions you would like answered, please either email me at, contact me through the website, or send me a message on Facebook or Instagram.

I hope all of you will join me in the next chapter of Willow Nook.

Have a fun and spooky October!

Carissa Davis

Willow Nook Box LLC


Spring Box Full Reveal + Giveaway


Winter & Spring 2022 Full Box Spoilers